Indie Friday: Feng Shui for Writers
Hello, Ioana. Nice meeting you and your readers.

Ioana Visan: What is your book about?

First, this book is the product of my love for all the writers. While being an engineer, one year ago I decided to write. Not only to write as a hobby, but to do it so I can quit my job. I even drew a two-year plan for quitting. Now after one year… this book has officially been born. I poured all my heart inside it. Suddenly finding myself into a new world, the writers’ world, I fell in love with it. Being an eternal student, I started researching this world and… a passion arose; the passion of helping writers fulfill their dreams.

And now here comes my book…

In many cases, to understand what something is, it is easier for us to start grasping what that thing isn’t. When I talk about Feng Shui, somehow I find it inappropriate to start with this; for the only reason that Feng Shui can be all things. It is a concept, a technique, an ancient art that finally stands behind anything; that is because all is energy and Feng Shui masters energies.

It approaches the architecture of the so-called Chi, the invisible force that populates the universe, earth and man altogether. Feng Shui is, in fact, an art of improving the quality of life through analysis of the person’s environment.

In our days, most of the people consider that Feng Shui is a fashion and a decorating art. In truth, it is not and will never be related to fashion; more than this, Feng Shui is a science, one of the most ancient sciences we know. It is about Chi in the living environment and it explains how to use this Chi to help with specific goals.

This book doesn’t intend to address the writer’s work or artistic skills but rather it addresses each writing category. We have to do this because what is harmony for a romantic novel writer is different than what is harmony for a journalist writer and for sure very different than for the writer writing for the horror domain.

To bring the Feng Shui technique into the writer’s life, it is not enough to only explain general principles and ideas; we have to dig deeper because the branches of writing are so numerous.

Ioana Visan: How did you get the idea for the book?

To make the explanation short, while I was working on a novel, I realized that my surroundings didn’t influence me as I wanted.

I suddenly noticed that the Chi flow around my desk and office was stagnant for what I needed to write. Instantly the cogwheels in my brain started working at a high-speed level, and a new creative idea was born… I have to Feng Shui my office, to let the Chi flow freely, to accurately boost my environment for this writing project. I did it… and for some time I wrote like never before; I almost couldn’t be stopped by any external influences.

But… after a while I realized something; I couldn’t keep this information only to myself. I had to share it with my fellow writers. Thus started the process I dubbed “the birth of my second first book”. Yes, like this I referred to my project through which the book “Feng Shui for Writers” was born. I called it “the birth” because even the smallest ideas we have, cross through a birth process before manifesting into this world. I called it “my second first book” because it is my first published book, but the second one to be implemented and emerge from the embryo phase.

And this book was born for YOU – the Writer!

Ioana Visan: What does your book bring new to its genre?

This is the easiest question to answer. Feng Shui for Writers, it not only brings new elements to its genre, but it is unique to all the Feng Shui books. At least, until now, I haven’t found any other Feng Shui manual written especially for writers.

Ioana Visan: What struggles did you encounter while writing this book?

I have to admit that while writing this book I didn’t struggle at all. At that moment, my environment was already arranged according with Feng Shui advice. Instead, I struggled while painting and digitizing all the illustrations included. To write the book I needed three weeks, but to have all the pictures ready, we needed about six months. Hearing a lot of weird stories about copyrights and using someone else’s pictures, we decided to do our own. Today I saw the paperback book. The moment when I opened its pages, I knew that all our efforts have been rewarded.

Ioana Visan: What was the most satisfying moment while writing this book?

Well… I have to admit that I had chills when I wrote the final words. That moment I told myself, “You did it. You really did it”. And at the same time a deep satisfaction embraced my whole being.

Ioana Visan: What do you hope to accomplish with this book?

Thank you for asking this question. Here the answer must touch two sides of the story. First, I hope to bring into the writer’s life a new approach for their working plans. Being aware of the energy around us and having knowledge of how to influence it, can give the writer a boost in any aspect of their work.

Second, even if it’s not about a hope, because I planned each detail and nothing can stop me now, what this book will give me is the confidence in knowing that I just completed the first official step of the bigger plan which I designed one year ago, and which will last for two; quitting my job as an engineer to be a full-time writer.

Thank you for having me here. I hope Feng Shui for Writers will change your life.

[This article appeared first in Weird Vision’s World – June 19, 2015]

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