“Focus on my voice. Do not listen to the others. They don’t exist.”
Someone used this line in a movie I just watched today.
I rushed to the dictionary, trying to conclude a wondering that suddenly hit simultaneously the two hemispheres of my brain. Here is what I found:
- To Focus = to direct your attention or effort at something specific
- On = touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)
- My = relating to or belonging to me; made or done by me
- Voice = sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx; especially : sound so produced by human beings
- Don’t = something that a person should not do
- To Listen = to pay attention to sound
- To = used to indicate the direction of something
- The Other = the different or the additional one
- They = used as third person pronoun serving as the plural of he, she, or it or referring to a group of two or more individuals not all of the same sex
- Exist = to have actual being; to be real
Let me reformulate the quote using the definitions for each word.
“Direct your attention on the surface of the sound produced by means of the lungs and larynx I possess.
You should not pay attention to the direction imposed by the sound done by different or additional persons. That group of individuals is not real.”
I am wondering… how it sounds… even if I use the same line from the movie…
Is it only my feeling or does it sound very different… even if I use the exact definitions that people have defined?
However, no matter if it sounds different or not, I still find a common aspect here.
I am wondering… if we directly focus on something – sound, action, feeling… or on anything else… do the rest of the sounds, actions and feelings disappear?
This wondering sends me back in time, to a day when I was a little girl.
While I was playing, I hurt my arm trying to jump over a fence. I was an expert in doing this but that day challenged me to practice a new jumping method. Until I mastered it, I had to overcome some injuries done to my arm. After many tries that brought me to success, I decided to go home and cry in front of my parents regarding my painful arm. I loved to do this sometimes because my parents would suddenly give me all their attention. Moreover, this was bringing happiness to my powerful Ego.
However, on my way back home, while running quickly… guess what had happened? I managed to trip and fall down on my knees. Another kind of pain came across my small body. This time a huge and persistent pain accompanied by lots of blood in the new injured location.
I thought I would die of pain that moment… but… at the same time I discovered a strong remedy for the arm injury from earlier. I thought about myself at that moment, thinking that I was a genius and that I had to let the world in on my invention. The new medicine that I found was… “Hurt yourself in a new place and the actual unbearable pain you previously felt will suddenly disappear.”
Sounds somehow funny now… but I was very serious and proud of myself then. Still my wondering followed me all my life.
I am still wondering… if we direct our attention to the surface of what is happening… can we influence the surface of reality?
Or, is it that somehow reality doesn’t matter at all, due to its untouchable essence and all that truly matters is our perception of it?
If all that matters is our perception… can we change it according to our taste? Can we choose what to perceive?
I am wondering… in the event we can change our perception and according with this we change our reality…
Are we Creators?
What do WE lack to be the Creators of our own Lives?
You know MC, I love your writing, and I love letters… it is if they are “Rubics Cubes”…each one of them… and all symbols are “creative seeds” so to speak. I have “focused” my attention on studying Greek and Hebrew primarily for the past ten years…and (do you perceive the words “use of cube” are in the word focused…a bit of “word play” is required…and “b” likes to dance…from 2 to 4 and then 8 more to 16 and 17…in the English-Latin system… into d p and q and if you “dice d” you are left with a backwards c (arc) and a vertical line… now we “tURn” to the story of how the letter Gimmel (in Hebrew of course Gamma in Greek) “chases” after Dalet…the rich man chasing the poor man. The part of that actually just came to me as I am writing…it amazes me these insights just tend to flow at times…was the insight about the word “focus.” After all it was the first word in your article after your title.
I perceive many other connections that I could fill this box with…ones that bring depth to the study of words…which by doing this enables us to develop the perception that we are the Creator.
For example… the letter Pey = 80 and the numerical value of “letter” in English equals 80 and we know that it is a well known fact that the letter Pey has the pictogram of a mouth. Ok big deal one may say… the word Creator also has a numerical value of…guess what number… 80!!! Is this just a “coin… (which has to sides a stamp and the negative)…cidence?” I don’t try to convince others… but only present findings of research… and well I have created many models that I call “tools of perception” to help the eye “record” and let the logic side ask the creative side and decide for itself if what the eyes are recording can actually do that.
There are other words that equal 80 as well to support what I am sharing… the word “operate” = 80. If we or one were to look at the letter 8 by itself we “perceive” …”a closed system above and closed system below.” We can also connect this to the 8th letter of the Greek and Hebrew letters and study their “properties” so to speak… Eta and Chet… Greek is obviously known more for its ties to material matter (science) compared to Hebrew although that is not totally true and when blend together I perceive a kind of dance between the two families that when communicated to others can shed a lot of light on “how one could go further down the proverbial rabbits hole or a “rabbis hole” or world so to speak to investigate and contrast the spellings of each letter…like “et” is common to both but capitalized on Eta and why the writers of articles write it is the seventh letter without noting that it has a value of 8…(some do but not all) …and has anybody in the world of professional linguistics every asked why it fell to the 7th position… it seems no one really cares why and how this mystery may have insights to why and how the world operates as it does… I told you I could write forever on this topic…LOL!
And by the way…the mystery has discover me rather than me discovering it…meaning why Eta and the rest of the letters fell from their original places… the story behind it is Digamma and well I am not certain that you will discover to much on why this letter fell from its place…I have found an article just recently where a writer writes some interesting points…that had flowed through my mind before I read their article…I will have to go find it out in cyberspace and hopefully it is still there. Those Greek Gods they hole some of the insights into these matters as well.
I will share too that your presentation of the line from the movie is similar to my approach in “climbing inside” of letters and words.
In an attempt to bring closure here…nothing really closes…just dissolving into another stream or river…what I perceive we or one needs to beCOME…the Creator and we are continually changing so the idea of just being the Creator of our lives is not down overnight as it is known that there is no time in spirituality and the idea of a Creator did not originate in this material world… I know I wish I could at the snap of my physical fingers take me into a realm that I had mastery over my life… which would kind of be like going from kindergarten to having a PhD while at the same time remaining in your 5 or 6 year old body… maybe some have done this but I personally cannot say that I have had this experience or remember having memories having total recall at such a young age… I do remember climbing in the back of our families 26th inch…”in “ch” ahahah and add then place i in front of ch for… “n Chi…the life force and 22nd letter of the Greek family and 26 is the sum of YHVH which everything is said to flow from…see how I can get lost in thought…it was a “Zenith” tell-a-vision was where I was going with that…pulling out vacuum tubes…and then fast forward some 40 years…maybe it was right around 46 actually that the question entered my minds “plenum” where the “return air/thoughts” goes through the “evaporator coil” for reconditioning and to ask… “was your little 6 year old body actually being directed by a collective soul…by the memory embedded into that divine spark called Lee Kelso to search for the real reality behind this magical box of connections that operated at 60 Hrtz. The Greek number that has the value of 60 is Xi…and well it has the same value as Samekh and Samekh is known to have the function of supporting all the fallen sparks and the letter Nun which has a value of 50 (yes I know MC you live in the “land” where everything operates at 50 Hrtz …big smile) was told by its Creator that it had to stay next to Samekh and support it… these are the 15th and 16th letters of Hebrew and equate to our letters ON which inverted go…”OFF” as in NO…so to finish my original thought here…I perceive to become the Creator one must learn to develop tools of perception that will assist one in connecting multiple dots…consider too as I don’t like to be dogmatic that there are probably other good answers that others may present to address this question as well.
I perceive too that placing the human condition in the framework of electrical engineering and thermodynamics (it can be placed into other fields of science as well but this one works the best for me due to my training in HVAC) …can assist in bringing one to perceive that we humans were designed by infinity to “light up the world” and discover what is at the cENTER of the universe… that being the power of giving to another and this is called LOVE which equates to the phenomenon called pressure or electricity- VOLtagE!
It’s all in the letters and what they are letting out!
Just an out of the box perspective!
Thanks for sharing MC Simon!