reset your mind
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Excerpt from the book “How to Reach Your Writing Goals like a Pro – A Step by Step Guide to becoming a Self-Published Author” (Chapter 2: Step 1 – Declutter Your Mind)



OK. Let’s get started!

No matter what your goal is, no matter how easy or hard you may think it is to attain, the first step that you must take is to declutter your mind.

One of the reasons for which you still haven’t reached your writing goals, is the fact that all of what you’ve learned and heard about publishing your book or about becoming a successful writer, were implemented ideas that are now blocking their fulfillment inside you.

I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened.” ~ Mark Twain.
For this reason, it’s a great decision to first unlearn what you have learned.

Why do you need to do this? Let me briefly explain.

During our life, we’ve been brainwashed to think that certain goals are impossible to attain. I am telling you that this is one of the biggest lies that we encounter in our lives.

If you are serious about your dreams, if you really wish with all your heart to materialize your dreams, nothing… and I mean nothing can stand in your way. All you have to do is to get rid of all the garbage that was inoculated in your beliefs. Do it and don’t lose time finding out who put it in your mind, why this was done, and most of all don’t blame the ones who taught you those things. They were themselves taught by others and maybe they were well intentioned when they did it. It could have just been because they thought that, that was the ultimate truth. No matter what, this is not your problem but theirs. They were wrong, and you just started on the road to prove it to the whole world.

Everything is possible if you really want something. This book will provide you the steps for checking if a goal is chosen by your heart, your mind or by both of them.

Start doing this first step and free yourself from the chains that lock your beliefs, the chains that step by step took control over your mind. Free yourself from the clutter that blocks your trust and self-confidence. Doing this, you will melt the invisible and yet powerful walls that you had built, and which obstructed your writing creativity and freedom.

When I say to free yourself, I mean it. It’s not the same thing as saying to change you. Nothing inside your being will be changed, but contrary. You will cut the chains that transformed you into a manipulated slave. And by cutting them you will succeed to set free the Real You, the You who can touch the skies; the One who through his written words can help this world become better.

Don’t expect the change to occur instantly. When you finally decide to start uncluttering your mind from the entire negative thinking that ruled over your life for so many years, in fact, you will start a gradual process. In the beginning, you may not notice any changes but… being persistent… when the perfect moment arises, you will suddenly start to see that anything is possible if you really believe that it is.

Ok, I am sure that you got my point until now. In a nutshell, to declutter your mind, you can start by decluttering any beliefs that start with, “I can’t do it”, “It’s not possible” or ”It’s too hard for me to do it.” Believe me! Nothing is too hard for you to do if you really want to do it. Anything is possible if your heart and mind really wish for it and most of all… YOU can do it!

If you find difficulty with decluttering, you can make a daily program for repeating out loud to yourself, “I am perfectly able to fulfill my goals”, or you can choose any other mantra that is of your liking.

A cluttered mind becomes a stubborn beast and takes control over your life. It would be great if the control would be constructive, but it is, in fact, a strong blockage for your potential. Think about it… who would ever want to place chains over his potential?

Of course no one asks you to drastically change all your beliefs; no one will claim that the gravitational acceleration is no longer affecting our lives. 🙂 But you have to get rid of the ideas that there are goals that you can’t reach if you really need and want them to be fulfilled.

We are living in times when even a person who lost his legs can dream that he wants to run a race. If he really wants to do it, there are ways of reaching this goal also.

Replace any negative thoughts with positive ones and try to use your Ego as a friend, not as your enemy. Even if your goals seem at one moment in time to be impossible to fulfill, ask yourself, “What IF… it’s possible?” Questions of the “what if” type, will start a process inside you in which your ego will want to prove that you are perfectly capable of doing it and that you are the best. We all have this notion inside us and think that we are the best… therefore, handle your ego and it will be your best ally.

This, together with a good plan that will be described throughout the following chapters, you will succeed to make it happen.


Excerpt from the book “How to Reach Your Writing Goals like a Pro – A Step by Step Guide to becoming a Self-Published Author” (Chapter 2: Step 1 – Declutter Your Mind)

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