A fresh bright sunny day forced my eyes to slowly open.
“What will I write today about?” asked an insistent voice inside my sleepy head.
And all of the sudden… Bang!
My skin’s surface was touched by the breeze of a revelation.
The breeze became stronger and wildly pushed outward, past the barrier of my skin.
A hurricane of revelations invaded all of my body’s senses.
From the top of my head to the bottom of my toes, from the core of my brain to the center of my heart the feeling penetrated every cell of my being as though from nowhere and in no time.
Just now I got it!!! I never wondered about this before.
But now, I am wondering… What is it to Wonder?
They say, we often wonder when something that is hard to believe. It is also said that wondering is a feeling caused by something that is surprising and amazing.
Therefore, when I wonder it means that I have reached something hard to believe? And, if I wonder how the Sun is shining daily and sending its rays over the Earth, it means that it is hard to believe?
And, if I wonder how the Sun is shining daily and sending its rays over the Earth, it means that it is hard to believe?
But what is so hard to believe about the Sun’s rays? Perhaps, in this case, the second definition will make more sense.
I prefer to have a feeling caused by a surprising, beautiful and amazing event. I look all around me and I can see so many wonderful and amazing life events!
Today I declare myself the Wonder Woman! The real Wonder Woman is here, naked and standing right before your eyes. This is who I am and this defines me in this
The real Wonder Woman is here, naked and standing right before your eyes. This is who I am and this defines me in this
This is who I am and this defines me in this lifetime.
I intend to wonder, as many days as I will have an existence in this dimension.
And I am wondering now… Where is the border between something hard to believe and something surprising, beautiful and amazing?
Yes, I am Wonder Woman… and I will always Wonder… How have all these human brains succeed to define the same state in so many contradictory ways?
Yes… I am Wondering… Are you Wondering, too?