How to…Write a Nonfiction Book in Ten Days (While crossing the writer’s block)
How to…Write a Nonfiction Book in Ten Days (While crossing the writer’s block)

How to…Write a Nonfiction Book in Ten Days (While crossing the writer’s block)


You have a blank page on your desk, a blank screen on your laptop, or whatever blank object you want to have in front of your eyes.

You stare at it wondering how you will manage to fill it with words; wise, interesting, amazing words that will teleport the reader into a magical parallel world.

While staring, you suddenly have a revelation; a deep one.

And this revelation says that You, the Writer, are in the middle of a powerful and stubborn phase called a “writer’s block.”

The panic attack is nearing.

The deadline for your book awaits you behind the next corner of time.

Your brain starts to fight like a real ninja who is suddenly attacked by an army of mosquitoes.

The writer’s block bites you from all directions at the same time.

The white page becomes even whiter.

It almost shines.

How can you overcome all these sensations?


I found such a simple method.

It is so simple that even my two super-smart cerebral hemispheres wondered how this could be possible.

It was a miracle.

And I realized that… miracles are, in fact, in our hands. We can handle them if we use our knowledge and we trust in our passion.

Not too long ago, I found myself in front of a shiny blank page while writing my first novel; wanting to give the reader tools to help their own life on this planet, I decided that my first novel will be a combination of Fiction, Romance, and Spiritual.

It has roots in old manuscripts written by humans who have reached high spiritual levels, and though it I wrap the information into a romantic adventurous garment—the intention is to awaken the incarnated souls who are now on this planet to seek the hidden meaning of all that is said.

I was left completely bewildered in my chair, near my desk, when the writer’s block hit me.

Whatever I was doing to bring my inspiration back, did not return any positive results.

During the moments when I was crying on my own shoulder, like a super yogi who can twist any member of her body, I was looking with lost eyes around me.

The next revelation invaded my whole human being (I have to mention here that in my case, the revelations are coming like trains in a railway station…when they are needed, and never missing).

I understood what was happening.

The problem was my desk.

Yes, you heard it well.

My desk was positioned in such a way, that all the creative energy was being blocked.

Even if this creativity would come in huge waves surrounding me, the energy created by my desk would block everything.

Do I need to mention the so-called “poisoned arrows” headed for me from several directions?

Having many fields of interests in this life, and most of them becoming passions, I started to apply my knowledge about Feng Shui.

I changed the position of the desk, I improved sectors needed in a writer’s prolific life, and after this, I started writing again.

The words were flowing in my head like a mountain river in its channel.

The ideas were coming in such an intense way that I almost couldn’t follow all because of their speed.

Unexpectedly, in those moments of total bliss, I felt something I could compare with guilt.

I asked myself: “What are you doing? Do you really want to keep these only for yourself? There are so many writers who need to know how they can influence the energy around them!”

I cannot stand any feelings of guilt; so instantly, a decision was made. “I will write a book about handling the energies that affect a writer.”

And I started to write.

The completed steps are as follows:


  1. At the end of the first day, I already had written 20 pages.
    • I was doing this with such a passion that nothing could stop me.
  2. The second day found me in the position of wondering how to organize all the information—if I am using a Word document.
    • For a novel, it is easy to handle the plot, but for a non-fiction book, the situation is somehow harder.
    • You need to have control over what you are writing in each moment.
    • At that point, I was losing a lot of time scrolling up and down inside the pages.
    • I remembered hearing about the miraculous software used by the writers, called Scrivener.
    • I made some online researches, but I was not prepared to buy the program.
    • Therefore, I spent the rest of the day researching other options that could help my organizational process.
    • I chose a free software also used by writers for its ease and efficiency.
    • It is called yWriter and I never regretted using it.
  3. The third day I spent studying what the software can offer my needs.
    • I loved what I discovered.
  4. The fourth day was occupied with the book’s plot.
    • I decided to split the ideas into 15 chapters, some of them having multiple subchapters.
  5. I practically started to write on the fifth day.
    • The chosen title for my non-fiction book is “Feng Shui for Writers.”
    • The next ten days kept me stitched to my chair.
    • The ideas didn’t let me go too far away from my desk; they were practically invading my brain, so I had to rapidly take them out to fill the page in front of my eyes – a page that was looking like anything else, except a shiny blank page.
    • I admit that I didn’t even sleep the regular eight hours, which I used to spend in my bed until that moment.

I noticed that during the ten days, my sleeping habits had changed, and what before was eight, now became six or even five from time to time.

I will not develop the theme here of what is a necessity for the human body, nor will I talk about passion and desires.

My goal was only to talk about “How to Write a Non-Fiction Book in Ten days.”

The main idea was already said.

To make it short

because you probably already want to go and write, I will then conclude with a personal advice, which I will split here into several parts:

(1)  While having a writer’s block, forget about your novel.

(2)  Remember that you have knowledge from so many fields of interests.

(3)  Look around you and find such a field.

(4)  Develop ideas.

(5)  Put them on the paper, like a novel’s plot.

(6)  Use the proper software to help you organize all the information.

(7)  Do research based on your ideas.

(8)  Collect information and organize them.

(9)  Start to talk about your knowledge, about your passion.

(10)  Add your heart there, powder on some soul, and mix it with some love for the reader who needs that information.

Now… Start to write the best non-fiction book that you ever wrote.

You can do it!

(This article post appeared first on Editing Addict as a guest post)


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