How to Coach People when
You are Too Shy to Coach

(Title pending changes)



  1. Introduction
  2. What’s inside it for you?
  3. Who does this book address?
  4. Who is a Writer?
  5. 23 Steps to Quit your Job and Become a Writer
  6. Writers, stay tuned!
  7. Let’s talk about shyness
  8. What about fearing Public Speaking?
  9. How can you make money being a coach if you are afraid of Public Speaking
  10. What and Who is a Coach?
  11. What do you need to be a coach?
  12. You are a Coach. Now what?
  13. Write your Course
  14. Do your Videos
  15. Coaching Platforms
  16. Case study
  17. Marketing your course
  18. How to be Persuasive?
  19. Plan for Success
  20. How to track your Progress?
  21. Conclusion
  22. About the Author
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