ZEN while having a toothache
Image: Pixabay

I have one request of you! Read the title well, please! I didn’t state that you will heal your tooth but rather only avoid the tooth pain until the moment when you decide to see the dentist.

Last year, my daughter had lots of tooth problems. Therefore, we had to begin some treatments. Usually, I try to avoid the allopathic treatments (forgive me if you are a doctor… I don’t have anything against you… I just prefer the alternative methods, if it’s not something urgent to fix). But… even if I can avoid visiting a doctor… I’ve never been able to succeed in finding a replacement for a dentist in my life.

Being a native and stubborn human being, I’ve tried avoiding them. I have to admit… dentists have defeated me. You have to admit… we still need them when having a toothache. Therefore, we decided that my daughter has to begin her treatment. Ok. Ok… but… like all the medical urgencies … it was a beautiful Friday evening when the tooth pain started. Being already the weekend… no dentist was working in our area. Poor child! My heart was almost broken seeing her in such pain.

But wait… I still remembered… there are many recipes for different health problems that have been performed not too long ago… in other eras and centuries… by our ancestors who also had to handle this kind of pain.

Let me share with you some old recipes for tooth pain. Some of them worked on my daughter. Of course the following Monday she was already knocking on the dentist’s door… but we succeeded to prolong the perception of a not so painful toothache.

7 old natural remedies for avoiding tooth pain

avoiding tooth pain
Image: Pixabay
  1. Vanilla essence or some cognac/whiskey on a padding pressed against the hurting tooth, will almost instantly take the pain away.

  2. Clove oil is well known as a treatment for tooth pain. Put this oil on a pad and press against the painful area. If you don’t have clove oil, you will obtain the same effect if you chew on two-three cloves.

  3. Garlic is another natural remedy. Take a piece of garlic and press it against your tooth. The garlic juice is an efficient anesthetic and will have an instant effect.

  4. Half a teaspoon of salt mixed with a glass of warm water will also help if you rinse your mouth once every few hours.

  5. You can do the same procedure with an infusion of oregano leaves instead of salt.

  6. A paste made from black pepper and basil leaves, applied in the painful zone, will instantly make you feel comfortable.

  7. The most radical solution is to put incense inside the tooth cavity. This will even kill your tooth’s nerve and will make your dentist very unhappy because… he will not be able to charge you to do this for you.

Of course, we could prolong this article and classify the tooth pains or mention their causes. We could even talk about daily habits to avoid having such problems. However, why bother now since we’ve mentioned that you are already in pain from the very beginning?

“A toothache, or a violent passion, is not necessarily diminished by our knowledge of its causes, its character, its importance or insignificance,” mentioned T.S. Eliot a long time ago.

How can you argue with him on this subject? 🙂

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