These are the answers to the Character Questionnaire.
Within each question the first answer (1) is for the main character while in a human body and the second answer (2) is for the main character while in the Arcturian dimension.
- How tall are they?
- on Earth: the height of a 12 years old girl
- on Arcturian dimension: 8′ 1″
- What is their body shape?
- human
- humanoid
- Do they have any disabilities or physical differences?
- on Earth: normal girl, blonde hair
- on Arcturian dimension: tall, white-blue skin, blue-grey long hair
- What year were they born?
- not mentioned
- How old are they?
- on Earth: 12 years old
- on Arcturian dimension: looks like 25 years old but their ages are not the same as on 3rd dimension
- Where do they live?
- not decided yet
- Are they rich, middle class or poor?
- middle class
- Did they grow up rich, middle class or poor?
- middle class
- Where did they grow up?
- she’s still a child on Earth
- her origins are on Arcturus; she was sent to Earth with a mission
- What did the people who raised them do for jobs?
- not important in this moment
- How successful were those people at their jobs?
- –
- What is their race and cultural background?
- –
- How do they feel about their race and cultural background?
- –
- What is their religion?
- I will avoid talking about religion, to touch as many hearts as possible.
- How do they feel about their religion?
- –
- What is their education level?
- 5th grade
- Who takes care of them (if child–parents, grandparents, orphanage; if adult–wife, jail, friends, job, no one)?
- on Earth: her parents
- on Arcturian dimension: the teachers from school and Zilarion, her guide
- Are they in a relationship?
- on Earth: no
- on Arcturian dimension: only after a while will this be revealed
- Are they married?
- no
- Do they have children?
- no
- Have they ever been in love?
- on Earth: no
- on Arcturian dimension: yes, feeling a strong attraction for the one whom she thought she hated
- Have they ever had sex?
- no
- not in this life
- Do they have lots of sex, average amounts of sex, little sex or no sex?
- –
- Have they ever had a one night stand?
- –
- Name one person they look up to?
- on Earth: Zilarion, the beggar
- on Arcturian dimension: Zilarion, the guide
- What qualities do they like about that person?
- his wisdom
- his concern for her safety
- Name one person they despise?
- –
- Dabong
- What qualities do they detest about that person?
- –
- She thinks he hates her and for this reason he is very severe as a school teacher
- What qualities do they like about themselves?
- she thinks she is special and for this reason she is protecting her childhood friends
- as an Arcturian she is still confused due to her lost memories
- What qualities do they dislike about themselves?
- –
- her weird attraction towards Dabong
- What are faults that they know they need to work on?
- –
- her stubbornness and her missing submissive part. Finally it will be revealed that before coming to Earth she was a space float commander. She still is.
- What are personal faults they have a hard time seeing?
- she believes that she is not human, so she tries to find her real family
- she is confused because she can’t remember anything, even if all Arcturians seem to know her and to follow her
- What is their greatest strength?
- good in school; protective of her friends
- the best on all actions and lessons in the Arcturian school
- If they could be doing anything now, what would it be?
- find her real family
- regain her memories as an Arcturian
- What scares them the most in life?
- –
- the attraction for Dabong, whom she hates
- Where do they stand in their community?
- school girl
- commander with lost memory and at the same time a student
- Do people know the person that they really are?
- she has a feeling that she is not human
she’s trying to remember; finally she will do it.