Prove Your Love

Prove Your Love

"Darling... do you love me?" the young woman suddenly asked her fiance. "Of course, my love. You are the only one for me!" "Then... prove it!" "Okay....
A Matter of Perception

A Matter of Perception

A man comes back to life from a very profound coma state. Ever since the time he went into a coma, his wife was...
Practical Wife

Practical Wife

"What did your wife say to you yesterday when you came home late from the party?" "Nothing! Anyway, I already had an appointment with the...
Active Grandpa

Sporty Grandpa

It is so healthy to be active these days! My grandpa started walking 5 miles each day when he turned 65. Today he’s 95 and...
Mom & daughter talk

Mom & Daughter talk

"Mom... if I will be a good girl, will I also have a husband when I will be an adult?" "Yes, of course my daughter"...
Midnight Conference

Midnight Conference

In the middle of the night... A drunken man walks on the street, staggering and singing. A police officer sees him and stops him. While searching...
Man on the train

Man on the train

There were a man and a woman riding in a train compartment. At one moment in time, the man suddenly started to laugh. "Are you laughing...

Writers Pay It Forward