Prove Your Love
"Darling... do you love me?" the young woman suddenly asked her fiance.
"Of course, my love. You are the only one for me!"
"Then... prove it!"
A Matter of Perception
A man comes back to life from a very profound coma state. Ever since the time he went into a coma, his wife was...
Practical Wife
"What did your wife say to you yesterday when you came home late from the party?"
"Nothing! Anyway, I already had an appointment with the...
Sporty Grandpa
It is so healthy to be active these days!
My grandpa started walking 5 miles each day when he turned 65. Today he’s 95 and...
Mom & Daughter talk
"Mom... if I will be a good girl, will I also have a husband when I will be an adult?"
"Yes, of course my daughter"...
Midnight Conference
In the middle of the night...
A drunken man walks on the street, staggering and singing.
A police officer sees him and stops him. While searching...
Man on the train
There were a man and a woman riding in a train compartment.
At one moment in time, the man suddenly started to laugh.
"Are you laughing...